Rubén Ernesto Yazyi. He was born at Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires - Argentina. His first musical studies were completed at the Bahía Blanca Music Conservatory as Piano teacher. Also he has attended musical courses at Catholic University of Argentina and the National University of Lanús. From 1998 was improved his musical education with the pianist Alicia Sciancalepore (Vienna). Also, he studied with masters as Gary Steigerwatt (USA), Claude Bessman (Francia), Jordi Mora (Spagna), Antón Solerbilensky (Bs.As.), Laura Baade, Mario Videla, Marco Puente OliveraGary Steigerwatt (USA), Claude Bessman (Francia), Jordi Mora (Spagna), Carlo Bruno (Italy), Antón Solerbilensky (Bs.As.), Laura Baade, Mario Videla, Antonio Formaro, Manuel Fraga, Nicolás Ledesma, Marco Puente Olivera. He had already won the First Prize at the Piano Competition Buenos Aires Musical Promotions 2000, and First Prize at XI Piano National Competition Necochea City “Alberto Williams tribute” the same year. Finalist in the V International Piano Competition, organized by Rosario Catalán Center e Generalitat de Catalunya. He won the second Prize at the VIII Piano Competition, Biennal Musical Festival 2005, British Council and Shell CAPSA. Also has been finalist at 1st Piano National Competition “Buenos Aires City” organized by Martha Argerich Foundation. He has performed with several Orchestras, as San Martin Symphonic Orchestra, Tres de Febrero Symphonic Orchestra, Misiones University Chamber Orchestra, Lanus University Chamber Orchestra and others. He has performed as solist pianist, chamber music, and also as choir pianist, tango and jazz group, at principal theaters and auditoriums in Buenos Aires, Misiones, Santa Fe, Mendoza, etc: Municipal Theater, Casa de la Cultura of Bahía Blanca, Teatro Argentino of La Plata, Teatro Colon of Buenos Aires, Belgrano Auditorium, and others. He has participated at the Scarlatti First World Marathon, VIII Spanish Harspichord International Music Festival, developed Dicember 1st, 2006, at 250 anniversary Scarlatti´s death. In that opportunity had participated eleven cities from seven countries around the world, Spain, Argentina, Costa Rica, Italy, Portugal, USA, UK. He has worked as a pianist in activities organized by Italy Consulate Cultural Area. Also he has played concerts for cultural activities of Lebanon´s Embassy, receiving the distinction for working at the cultural relationship between Lebanon and Argentina. He has worked as an Opera pianist, at Casa de la Opera de Buenos Aires. He has worked as organist at San Juan Bautista Anglican Church of Buenos Aires, and Lutheran Church of Ballester Village, Buenos Aires. He composed musical works for Multimedia productions of the Milarion Software Society and, he works as piano teacher at "Alfredo Luis Schiuma" Music Conservatory of Gral. San Martin, Buenos Aires and "Juan José Castro" Music Conservatory of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, teaching also Argetinian Folk Music, Tango and Jazz. And he works as a chamber music professor and pianist partner for singers, also in the flute, violin and clarinet´s areas at “José Hernández” Musical Institution of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires.
Here you can find videos about piano playing, compositions, lessons, meetings, and others
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